Mission of Pass It On Foundation


The purpose of the Pass It On Foundation, Inc. is to develop the distinguishing and distinct attributes of potential leadership into the children of today’s society. This foundation will also strive to develop and provide the knowledge in the children and their peers to maximize successful outcomes and build leadership within them. The Pass It On Foundation, Inc. is devoted to making leaders, building outstanding character, and enhancing the scholarly attributes in the lives of ordinary children through numerous emotional, social, physical, and educational activities. Read more…


The Pass It On Foundation, Inc. is designed to help women in a host of different core programs such as self esteem, etiquette, pre-natal care, single parent support groups, anger management and jobs networking. Establishing help for women to make though tough times easier! Read more…


In this era of greater than ever before human need and a tapering country, it is vitally important that the organizations and individuals come together within our communities and are effective and efficient in their work, and are able to adapt to rapidly changing time that is why The Pass It On Foundation, Inc. delivery methods to equip a global constituency will help Haiti by providing education supplies, food and housing relief. 

The Elderly

The word “elderly” reflects the high regard and respect for the life-long experience and wisdom of elders from other cultures that we should incorporate in our culture when dealing with the elderly..

Pass It On Foundation will work with elder population groups and community organizations on environmental, cultural, and societal perspectives of aging issues, while providing knowledge on how the environment impacts aging our populations. We will also help to develop and implement sustainable solutions for building proper resiliency and protecting environment for our elderly.

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